After spending the past two weekends on the road, it was nice to have a relaxing weekend at home. We hosted a small bbq on Sunday evening for Geoffrey's work friends and a good time was had by all. Thank goodness for the sun porch, as right as we started to grill, a huge thunderstorm rolled in and poured down on us for about an hour.
Before setting up for the party, we let Phillus, Geoffrey's ring necked dove, fly around on the porch. Phillus and the finches (named Sarah and John, named by a child from the bbq), were recently moved to the porch and seem to be enjoying their new home.
Phillus quickily found a place to hang out. Luckily he flew down to the couch so Geoffrey could place him back in his cage.
The new home for the bird cages. During the winter, the birds will be moved to the hobby room, as it gets too cold outside.
General curled up on one of his favorite spots, the top of the soft sided crate. I like to refer to it as the "pug hammock."
We were lucky enough to have the famous Tyler Byers (see attend our bbq.
A small sampling of the yummy food we enjoyed. We had Geoffrey's favorite, guacamole, to make cheddar-guac burgers. Oh so tasty!
Craig & June's son Sawyer is 9 months old and the happiest baby I've ever met. He loved the dogs, even when they tried to lick his face, and the only noises that came from him the entire night were giggles.
Peggy & Ryan.
I finished off the 3-day weekend by stripping the stain off of the dining room table legs that Geoffrey is going to finish for me. Hopefully he can get a good start on it next weekend, and we may have a "new" dining room table by the end of June. I also made a tasty batch of chocolate chip cookies. Hope everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing Memorial Day!