Since I've been slow to post pictures, I grabbed a bunch that I thought were fun and posted them below. Maybe someday I'll find the time to do more regular blogging.
Before the pictures, just a little bit of news. In addition to crawling Isabel has also been babbling. She makes sounds that sounds like words, her favorite being dad, but she doesn't just use the word on dad. She will say "dad" to the pugs, to the toys, to me...whoever she happens to be looking at when she feels the need to "talk." Since she started crawling she's also been working on pulling herself up, but she has yet to be successful. She will hold on if we raise her to a standing position, but I think it will be a while before she has the strength to start cruising and then eventually walking. She continues to broaden her taste for new foods, and has moved onto chicken and mashed cauliflower with garlic. The only food she hasn't cared for is potatoes...but really, who would like potatoes if you had to eat them mashed without salt!
Isabel has discovered that the pugs love Cheerios...and therefore love being around her during cheeriotime. General wanted to help me clean up by removing the cheerios that had fallen through to Isabel's lap.

Isabel has a large collection of teddy bears, and her favorite seems to be "Alcatraz", a bear that Uncle Romes made at Build a Bear when she was born.
Story time with the bears. She is reading her favorite book...which is her favorite because it remains the only book she can chew/put in her mouth. From left to right is Dayton, Raleigh, Alcatraz & Canton. We named the bears after the cities where the people who gave her the bears are from. It makes it easier than saying "bear with the red ribbon" and is a nice way to talk about the people. Not picture is Beaufort the pug and Odgen the bunny.

Isabel is fascinated by my laptop, and if I am typing with her around, she now tries to get near it and hit the keyboards. She has erased a few emails and even hit send before I was done with one. Luckily it was only to Uncle Kevin.
We spent a lovely Thanksgiving day in Baltimore with Geoffrey's Aunt Monica, Uncle Howard, Cousins Ben & Jack and his immediate family. Isabel's favorite part of her first Thanksgiving was playing with Jack's drum sticks. She went to bed right before we sat down for dinner, so unfortunately didn't get to have a taste of her first Turkey.

And here are a few more pictures of Isabel just being her normal happy self.

Isabel now loves crawling over to the gate where the dogs usually start hanging out close to dinnertime, begging to be fed. Her face lights up the minute she sees a pug over there and now that she is mobile, nothing will stop her from getting to the bars to see "her pugs."

Finally, if you click
here, you can see a video I shot of Isabel crawling. She certainly isn't going to be winning any speed races, but slow and steady gets her where she needs to go.