Friday, July 30, 2010

Isabel's First Trip to Chuck E Cheese

(and we're back). It appears neither of the grandmas could view the videos on the mac site, so no need to pay for a service. Back to blogger we go.

This will be a quick post and I may go back and play catchup on the past month, or might not. We'll see.

Anyways, for Isabel's 2nd birthday, Uncle Eric had "given" Isabel a date for Chuck E Cheese. This past Friday, Eric took the day off and I dropped Eric and Isabel off at Chuck E Cheese, then went to the mall and was on stand by, should he need something...mainly if Isabel had an accident (she is about 90% potty trained).

Isabel had a great time, though preferred the rides and slide to the games. Uncle Eric did get a chance to play some of the "big kid games" and won enough tickets for Isabel to come home with some great prizes - a bracelet, a ring with a foot on it, a foam block, a rubber fix and a top. The morning was finished off with lunch at her beloved Chick-fil-a, and Unc even joined us, since we were right over by Orbital. Eric still has over half the tokens he purchased, so I envision another trip later this year. Below are a few pictures that Eric got with his camera phone.

Uncle Eric and Isabel will all of her prizes