Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"snow" day

We had our first snow of the season on Monday. It was just a small dusting but that didn't stop Isabel. The minute she saw the snow at 7am, she insisted that she put her new boots, coats and mittens on and go play in the snow. I'm glad that we had made the trip to the mall last week to pick up some winter gear at LL Bean.

I think Isabel has a false sense as to how often it snows. She clearly remembers all the snow we had last winter and keeps asking about the snow and when the snow is going to come back.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Buescher Blog to go "private" in 2011

As the year 2010 comes to an end, I've starting thinking about the "r" know, resolutions. I usually don't make new years resolutions, but am hoping to make and follow through with one this year. I'm resolving to blog more. Not for those of you who read the blog (though hopefully it will be a bonus for the few that do follow - mainly the grandparents & uncles), but for me and the girls. I've been really bad on recording milestones, pictures and lets not even mention the word baby book. I do have a lot of things I'd like to remember, like the fact that Mia started clapping Thanksgiving morning for Uncle Romes and waved goodbye to Geoffrey as he left for work yesterday. So by making the blog just as much about writing as the pictures, I can record little snippets of our life, and someday when I have more free time, I can use the blog to remember what and when things happened, and put those memories into a scrapbook for the girls, just like the detailed books Carla and I used to spend hours on back in our VT days.

Since I'm not really keen on having random people reading whatever it is I might be sharing, and I know Geoffrey's never been entirely comfortable about the public nature of the blog, I'll be turning on the private setting come January. If you'd like to be able to view the blog and its new random nature after that date, please shoot me an email or leave a comment (as long as you are a friend or relative, I'll already have your email address so no need to post it), and I'll add you to the list.

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season. Our tree is up, the bottom half being very tree heavy after Isabel loving placed each non-breakable ornament on the tree. A yellow construction paper star tops the tree. "Mommy, we need a star on our Christmas tree, just like on Charlie Brown" and some garland I picked up at CVS a few years ago winds its way along the tree. It might not make the cover of Martha Stewart Living, but it is my favorite decorated tree to date :). I can only imagine how good it will look next year when both girls get to decorate it. Have I mentioned how much I love having daughters? :)

And with that, little Mia seems to be up from her nap. Today was her 9 month check-up, complete with shots, so I'm guessing she is a bit sore.