Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"I Love the Springtime"

Since Mommy and Dad have been working on getting the house ready for all of my guests this weekend, I thought I would give blogging a try.

Here I am in my "I love the springtime" outfit. Mommy was really excited that the weather was warm enough for me to wear it.

Dad is always asking mommy to take my picture when I'm up on his shoulder. Here I am pondering what it is I should do for the day. First I think I'll eat, then I'll poop, eat some more and maybe take a nap if my parents are on their best behavior...

In addition to the "cartoon" airplane mobile that hangs above my crib, I also have this very cool mobile that my mommy and dad made. (well really mostly dad) I enjoy watching it when I am getting swaddled or dressed on my bed. It doesn't have a motor yet but dad is working on that.

In preparation of the spring game on the 19th, I wore my VT onesie. I'm looking forward to being able to fully participate in the game watching at Uncle Kevin and Eric's this fall. Last year I could only listen to the games as I was still in my mommy's belly.

On Saturday Uncle Romes and his girlfriend Kim came to visit us. Kim and I had some pretty deep conversations and she also taught me a thing or two about some of my baby reflexes (Kim is a physical therapist). After I had my dinner mommy, dad, Uncle Romes, Kim and I went out to eat at a mexican place for Uncle Romes' birthday. I behaved like an angel and slept the whole time, so hopefully I'll get to try another place soon.

Dad took a few pictures of mommy last night and she really really liked this one alot. I'm not sure what the big deal is, I'm just sleeping in it :).

Finally, some pictures from the outside of the house. There is a very pretty pink tree in the front yard that I can see from my bedroom. This is how it looks from across the street. We also have many tulips in bloom and the azaleas should be out shortly. I guess I really do love the springtime!

Here is dad's progress on the vegetable garden terrace. He is almost done! When he is finished they will have 48 linear feet of vegetable garden to play with. I'm looking forward to getting to try some of the veggies later this fall when I'm allowed to have more than just my "mom milk."
Ok, I better get off the computer before mommy and dad realize I can do more than eat, sleep and go to the bathroom!

1 comment:

Kate and Michael Craft said...

Oh, I LOVE that picture of you and Isabel! Soooo precious. And I also love the pic of her on Geoff's shoulder. That is the cutest face! Lots of love!