Monday, December 8, 2008

Crawling, Crawling Everywhere

Isabel has been crawling everywhere and is really mastering this new "skill." Last week after I had gotten her coat and hat on, she decided to crawl after General while I was getting my coat. She always looks so pleased with her self when she makes her way out of the playroom towards her target.

Today while I was eating lunch Isabel was again crawling around. Apparently the door stop is very fascinating...I'm not sure why we even bother giving her real toys to play with!

Of course while I was busy taking pictures, Isabel decided to make a dash for the rest of my lunch. She was quite disappointed when I did not allow her to finish the carrots and green peppers.

Isabel kneeling at her activity table. It was only a week ago that she figured out that she could go from sitting to kneeling, and not 5 minutes after taking this picture I went to put the camera on a bookshelf and turned around to find her standing. Of course I didn't get a picture of that, as she was done too quickly.

Hope that everyone is staying warm! We had a bit of snow on Saturday and I'm hoping for more.


Kate and Michael Craft said...

Now she's on the move! Watch out! :) I LOVE her sweater! So cute! Hope you get more snow for her to play in. We only have rain here today. boo. Lots of love to you all!

Nova461 said...

I hear that those little white rubber bits on the end of the door stops make great baby sister ended up super-gluing them on!