Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March Catch Up

I finished getting all the pictures from my memory card since the birthday and tummy time post, and grabbed my favorites to post below.

Geoffrey is currently growing a beard (not that it was hard to miss), as he is taking part in a "beard off" with some of his co-workers. The field started with 7 or 8 guys, but now has been reduced to just a few, mainly because some of the guys wimped out. Since Geoffrey is home on paternity leave, he was allowed to email a picture since he wouldn't be in the office. He received high marks...though I'm not sure it was completely due to the beard :).

Each day Mia is having more and more alert time. Here she is enjoying the view from Daddy's shoulder...

2 weekends ago we had some really nice spring weather. The uncles came over early for some corn hole fun and Isabel decided she too would play the game.

She also enjoyed gathering up the bean bags and bringing them back to Uncles Kevin and Eric.

Geoffrey has been doing a great job of taking care of me and Mia, but also making sure the house stays in order. When it came time to vacuum last week, Isabel rode around in the Ergo with him, as she has developed a major fear of the "purple vacuum."

Daddy and the 2 girls

Uncle Romes stopped by for a very quick visit last Thursday. He brought Isabel a copy of The Butter Battle Book which he started reading to Isabel.

I brought out another costume yesterday, a lion suit, which Isabel wore for the entire afternoon. I didn't put up the pictures, but she only wore the lion suit and a diaper, refusing pants and a shirt.

Mommy and Mia taking a little rest while Isabel "pretends" to sleep as well.

We are all doing well and I can't believe that Mia has been with us for almost four weeks. Time is just flying.

In other news, Isabel slept in her big girl bed for the first time last night. Isabel has had a full-sized mattress in her room since she has been born, that she knew would someday be hers. Back in January she requested to sleep in the bed, but that only lasted about 15 minutes before she asked to move to her crib. Over the weekend she mentioned "the purple bed" (it has lavender sheets on it) and last night asked to "go sleep in purple bed." So I read her 3 books from the bed and she went to sleep. We did make the mistake of not putting the side guard on and she went THUD in the middle of the night, but was in such a deep sleep it didn't phase her. Geoffrey asked if she wanted to go back in her crib and from our room I heard, "purple bed" where she slept for the remainder of the night. She sure is growing up and I think its time for me to hurry up and finish her quilt, since it seems like her purple bed is going to be the bed of choice and it might be time to say good bye to her crib.

1 comment:

Welcome to the Circus said...

LOVE the beard!! Keep it! (of course, I'm a little bias in that department).