Friday, September 7, 2007

The most beautiful sound

Today was definitely one of those moments I'll never forget. Geoffrey and I went to my 12 week appt and one of the first things they did was check for a heartbeat. So out came the little doppler machine, jelly on the belly and the doctor started hunting. First we just heard some swooshing and then, all of a sudden she said "and there it is." It was simple wonderful...and I didn't want her to stop listening, but I couldn't exactly hang out there all day. So baby Buescher has a heartbeat, and is developing as best they can tell until we have our 18-20 week sonogram. Until then I'll have to wait for the 16 week appt, when once again we should be able to hear our baby...

1 comment:

Kate and Michael Craft said...

I can't imagine it! Must be so very wonderful! Keep us updated!
