Friday, February 15, 2008

Eeek, less than 30 days!?!?

Wow. I knew the time was getting close, but it really hit me today when I looked at the blog and saw that the ticker was at less than 30 days. Everything is also becoming more real, as today marks the 36 week mark, which means Isabel really could arrive anytime between now and 2 weeks post due-date. I'm feeling good, but definitely require more sleep than I can ever remember needing. Geoffrey and I are almost finished up with our Bradley child birth classes, which I'm really enjoying. I know that Geoffrey will be a wonderful support come the big day, and I'm hopeful that between him, our doula Sandra and the classes I'll be able to succeed with a natural birth. But only time will tell.

Geoffrey and I have been working on building a series of 6 small airplanes to make a mobile for Isabel. Hopefully we'll finish those up this weekend and can call the nursery done.

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