To my loyal blog viewers. It appears that with the return of Dad to work Mommy doesn't have as much free-handed time. I'm not sure why this is, I mean who wouldn't want to hold me and cuddle with me all day long :). But, since she seems to be busier than usual and the request for more pictures has come in, I decided that I should take over today's blog post to get you all caught up in my busy life.
2 weekends ago I got to meet another relative of mine, cousin Vicki. We had a great time and mommy really enjoyed getting to see her as well.
The next day Mommy's big sister, Sarah, from her Pi Phi days came to join us for dinner, as she was in town for a conference. Sarah was pretty funny as she is one of my loyal blog fans and recognized many of the things in our home from the blog. She brought me a cool airplane stuffed toy that also makes a shaking noise and a fuzzy bunny. She also got to witness me refusing a bottle. I've been giving Mommy a hard time with that. Dad keeps trying to give me something that tastes like mom, but the delivery mechanism is all wrong. They didn't give up though as I had hoped and bought a few new bottles until they found one that I think I can tolerate...for now at least. Next week I very well could change my mind again.
I've been smiling a lot more and Mommy and Dad keep trying to take pictures to capture it. I am very good at turning my smile out when the silver and black cameras come out. They are pretty sneaky though and managed to catch a few shots of me showing off my toothless grin.
Last weekend we packed up the car and headed to VA Beach for Beth and Clif's wedding. I had a great time though wasn't sure what all the fuss was about. Mommy tells me that someday I'll feel differently about weddings. The ceremony was lovely and I enjoyed hearing it while studying the back of my eyelids.
Mommy put me in this silly dress that she had been oohing and aahing over since Sarah A. sent it when I was born. I wasn't as happy to wear it, as I prefer onesies. I did look pretty in it though :).
At the reception I got to meet Mrs. Army, Sarah's mom. We had a great time "talking" and I demonstrated for her my great lung capacity and range of sounds. She rocked and danced with me though until I eventually fell asleep. While I was getting to know Mrs. Army, Mommy and Dad got to enjoy their dinner. I slept through the remainder of the reception as I needed my energy to hang out with Grandma the next day. I am told I will be attending three more of these "weddings" this year. I guess that means more dresses are in store for me...
The morning after the wedding I was feeling great and got to spend some time with Grandma Buescher. I showed her my developing neck muscles and often lifted my head off of her comfy shoulder.
Eventually I was tired again, so I took a nap in her arms. If Mommy and Dad figure out a way for my crib to be as comfy, I might consider taking a nap elsewhere...
Monday I got to hang out with Mommy and her friend Kendall. We took my first metro ride and went to the National zoo. It was a beautiful day, not too hot and not too cold. We got to see pandas, elephants, monkeys, apes and of course, hippos. Her is a picture of the pygmy hippo who was done with his swim. I was a perfect angel and slept the whole time, only waking up to have my lunch. I'm looking forward to going back when I'm a bit older and can interact with the animals more.
With Dad back at work Mommy and I have been spending lots of quality time together. We've made a few trips to the mall and the grocery store and go walking almost every day. This weekend is Mother's Day, so I hope that Dad has something good planned. I've tried to tell him what I'd like to do for Mommy, but he doesn't seem to understand my language quite yet.
Happy Mother's day to my Mommy, Grandmas, Great Grandmas and all the other wonderful Mommies out there.