Monday, August 4, 2008

Vacation Part II: Hilton Head, SC

After a short 3 hour drive, we arrived in Hilton Head. Isabel had a great time visiting with her Grandma & Grandpa Buescher, Uncle Peter and the other relatives she got to meet.

On Monday Isabel made her beach debut. She got to sit in the Atlantic Ocean, but seemed pretty unimpressed. She did enjoy showing off her new beach attire, complete with sunglasses and sandals.

After a dip in the ocean it was bathtime, which was a lot more fun. She loved getting to watch the water faucet in the kitchen sink, where we bathed her, since our room only had a shower.
Cousin Laura (guess that makes her Isabel's second cousin) holding Isabel. She was smart and only told Geoffrey after Isabel was in her lap that "this is the second baby I've ever held."
Hanging out with Grandma & Grandpa Buescher.

Uncle Peter aka Uncle Pedro, seemed to have fun with Isabel. He got her to frown one time, which he dubbed "the lip" and kept trying to get her to "show me the lip" the rest of vacation. Usually though Isabel just smiled and made a pass at his glasses.

Isabel received her first purse...a pug purse from Great Aunt Chris and Uncle Med. I don't think she gets the purse concept quite yet and just thought it was a toy.

Grandpa Buescher decided that Isabel might like to take a taste of her first ice water, as she was very interested in an empty cup. Here is Isabel, still happy to be playing with the cup.
Grandpa giving her a taste of the ice water.
"I'm not sure I like this..."
"waaah! I definitely do not like this ice water stuff."
I'll be adding a group photo of all the cousins later, but didn't want to hold up the blogging. Stay tuned for Vacation Part III: Carla's Wedding.

1 comment:

Sarah Marie said...

Wow - Isabel is a great little traveler! Heather, I absolutely love the beach ensemble. She is so smiley too - what fun.