Saturday, September 13, 2008

6 Months Old

Isabel got her first taste of solid food this morning...but here are a few pictures from yesterday before we get to the good stuff.

You might recall the hippo that Uncle Kevin sent to Isabel last fall. It was a 6mos & up toy, so I pulled it out a little early and let her play with it. I think she likes him :).

And now for the food. Although most people choose to to start their babies off on rice cereal, Geoffrey and I decided to do things a little differently. I had done quite a bit of research on the matter, and after talking to Doctor Grandpa, we decided that avocado is much tastier than rice cereal, and since it was a recommended first food, we made it THE first food. And I think you'll be able to tell from this video (click the link) and the pictures below, that it was well received. She didn't spit it out and licked the first spoonful clean, although much did wind up on her face. She at about 5 small spoonfuls before deciding she'd had enough. She had eaten her liquid breakfast about 1/2 an hour before the avocado, as this first month or two is more about getting her used to how one eats solid foods and the tastes, not so much eating for nutrition, as milk will remain the biggest source her nourishment.

1 comment:

Kate and Michael Craft said...

Happy Half-Birthday Isabel! :) And I just have to say YUM AVOCADO! Good choice. :) She's such a happy baby! Thanks for sharing the cute pics! Much love, k&m