Thursday, September 11, 2008

Almost 6 months

On Saturday Isabel will be 6 months old. 6 months. That sounds so old...I mean, that is one half of a year. I really wish I could freeze time...

We've still been laying low, although our Saturdays will most likely involve VT football for the upcoming months.

Tech opened up by playing ECU, and although the Hokies didn't win, Isabel got her first tast of Hokie football and is ready for more. She will definitely be getting good use out of her VT onesie that Coelle got for her last fall.

Isabel with one of her favorite toys...a stuffed airplane of course! Taking after her Dad and his love of planes already.

Last Tuesday, Isabel started to "school" aka daycare. We call it school because I think it sounds more fun, and the center is actually run more like a school...they even have a PTA. After spending her Tuesdays and Thursdays at home with a sitter all summer, Isabel was looking forward to getting out of the house and making some new friends. She seems to like it and has been very happy each day when I pick her up. It was definitely much harder on me emotionally dropping her off somewhere versus just leaving the house in the morning with her in Geoffrey's care, but after 4 days I'm getting used to it.
Here she is on her first day of school, with her duck in tow.

All smiles...perhaps she was happy since she got to wear jeans with her onesie.
This Saturday also marks a very special occasion...the introduction of solid food. She did manage to sneak a bit of coleslaw dressing in at our neighborhood picnic this past weekend, when her hand landed smack in my plate and then immediately went into her mouth. Minus the coleslaw dressing, its been strictly mom milk until now. The spoons are ready to go, I've been reading up on making baby food and Isabel gave final approval on her booster seat. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures, and maybe even a video of the big event.
Finally, this picture is for Grandma Schaeffer. She requested that we capture a picture of both Isabel and Uncle Eric with their feet in their mouth. Isabel wasn't too interested in feet chewing for the picture, but you get the idea. Maybe we'll catch a better shot while watching the GT game this weekend.

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