No pictures this time, but I decided to post a pictureless entry anyways. We are gearing up for the big day, with my parents getting into town tomorrow and then Geoffrey's parents Friday evening. We'll officially celebrate her birthday on Saturday, but we'll do a birthday muffin with candle on Friday, which was a tradition in my family. I just can't believe that my little girl is going to be one. I know that is a common sentiment shared by all moms and dads, but jeez, time really does fly.
In growth/development news, Isabel still is toothless, but its going to be a close raise as to which of her two front teeth come in first. They are just about to poke through and I wonder whether or not it will be before or after her birthday. Lucky for her that cake doesn't require teeth. Isabel stood unassisted for the first time today for about 5 seconds. She looked really pleased with herself until she leaned forward and started to fall. This created a new game where she would stand, fall into my arms, I'd push her up and she'd squeal with delight.
Isabel has been expanding her pallete and we have yet to feed her anything that she really just didn't like (well, there was the buffalo chicken tender that she wasn' sure what to do with). Her favorite foods seem to bread/pasta (whole wheat of course) and brocoli. She is working on her cup skills and can drink from a straw cup on her own and with a spout cup with a little help from mom or dad. She got a little too excited about her straw cup on Friday and went on a nursing strike for the weekend (more than likely it was the teeth causing this) which was tough. Thankfully the strike is over and we can work on weaning at a slower pace.
Stay tuned for pictures and a recap of Isabel's birthday weekend :).