Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ducks, Geese & VA Beach

We spent the past weekend in VA Beach and had a wonderful time visiting with Grandma & Grandpa Buescher and catching up with old friends. We left for VA Beach shortly after Isabel woke up on Friday, and soon realized that traveling during the longest awake period she has each day was a bad idea. Thank goodness it was just a 3 hour trip and not the longer trips we have planned for later this summer. We'll definitely be modifying our travel times to better align with Isabel's sleeping schedule.

After a failed attempt at an afternoon nap, due to falling asleep for 30 minutes in the car, Isabel was back in action. She was just delighted when 2 ducks appeared in the backyard. I wish I could have been on the otherside of the window. There is a bay window in the kitchen which was perfect for a little Isabel to sit and watch the ducks from.

The window seat also worked well for a post duck-watching tickle.

After his cousin Ben's valedictorian speech, I had asked Geoffrey if he still had has valedictorian speech. He muttered something about if he found it he'd give it to me but wasn't going to make any great attempts to locate it. While we were home he went through a drawer of HS stuff and not only found his speech (which I did get to read), but a whole lot of awards (Isabel - your dad was/is a big dork). Isabel had fun displaying the various medals Michael Phelps style.

Saturday morning we went to a local pond to feed the geese. I always loved feeding ducks/geese as a child and still do as an adult, so I was especially excited to get to share this activity with Isabel.
Heading out with our stale bread.

Feeding the geese. Grandma B got some great shots and I'll definitely be getting some of them printed...the ones below are my personal favorites.

Fun times swinging with dad!

Our exciting morning continued at Uncle Peter's house, where we got to check out his amazing garden. Isabel wasn't so impressed by the garden, but loved getting to see Stella dog again. Its a good thing the pugs weren't around, as they might have been jealous. Isabel definitely loves her pugs but she loves LOVES Stella.

Isabel also enjoyed checking out Stellas bedroom aka Stella's crate.

It was especially fun to get to play with Uncle Peter from inside the crate.

We spent the rest of Saturday relaxing and I actually started reading a book during Isabel's naptime, while Geoffrey took a nap. It was so nice to have Isabel down for a nap with nothing to accomplish. Saturday night we helped celebrate Elliott's 30th birthday with a bunch of other friends from VT. It was great getting to see so many people and to not have to worry about rushing home since Grandma Buescher was watching Isabel.
We left Sunday morning but I was able to catch this picture of Grandma B and Isabel reading. We had such a great time and I'm looking forward to more relaxing later this summer on our various out of town trips.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! :):) But no pics from the party? :P