Monday, June 8, 2009

When Dad's away, the girls shall play :)

Geoffrey was out of town last week, so there wasn't much extra time for blogging etc, since by the end of the day I was usually pretty beat. Isabel and I had a great week, but were also ready to have Geoffrey back. Not that I don't usually miss Geoffrey, but this is the first trip post Isabel that I think I really missed him. (if that makes any sense). Now that Isabel's personality is really coming out and she does so much, I really missed getting to share with Geoffrey all that Isabel had done during the day or at school. And I think he missed Isabel the most of any trip, as he know that she was doing such fun stuff and was always on the go.

One day last week I was trying to send a quick email on the computer while Isabel was also in the office. She decided that she wanted a better view and cleared off the box and papers that were on top of our filing tote and climbed on up.

She then got bored and decided it was time to get down. Now that she has discovered this great spot, she makes a beeline for it everytime we go into the office. Which means I really don't have time for quick emails anymore, as I can't keep my eyes on the monitor and on her well enough to do either.

We had A LOT of rain last week. Friday it once again was raining and I had the great idea to make Geoffrey's (belated) birthday cake while Isabel was awake. I prepped most of the ingredients the night before but failed to look at the second column of ingredients where sour cream was listed. So we had to make a quick trip out in the pouring down rain to get sour cream, as I had already started mixing things and couldn't let all the chocolate I had melted go to waste :). So I put Isabel in her raincoat, which definitely runs BIG and we headed out.

Poor girl. She doesn't realize that she is dressed like the Gorton's Fisherman.

Friday just happened to be National Donut Day, and Dunkin Donuts was offering a free donut with the purchase of a drink. I hadn't planned on participating with all the rain, but hey, we were already out so it would have been communist not to go, right?

Isabel even got to celebrate with a taste of the donut. She wasn't a fan of the cake part and pretty much played in the chocolate frosting.

Geoffrey got back just a little bit later than scheduled on Friday and was very excited to see his belated cake in the fridge. We have been enjoying it (a triple layer devil's food cake with dark chocolate frosting) ever since :).
Sunday afternoon we headed to Baltimore for Geoffrey's cousin, Ben's, high school graduation from Gilman. It was a beautiful day for the outdoor ceremony. Ben is the one in the middle. I'm not sure if its a private school thing, but the boys (its an all male school) wore matching khakis, blazers and ties instead of caps/gowns.

Isabel and I spent most of graduation on the side lawn walking back and forth. The ceremony was only an hour and she wore herself out. She was very happy to be reuinited with her duck at the end.

And finally, a few random shots from this morning. I LOVE this picture. People are always telling me how much Isabel looks like me, but I think she looks like Geoffrey. I need to get ahold of a picture of Geoffrey has a child, because she looks so much like him as a child in this picture. Or maybe its just that she is being a big goofball, which she definitely gets from dad.

Our garden enjoyed all of last week's rain and is thriving. Although the tomatoes are still quite short, many of them are covered in flowers. We have about 10 green beans that are almost ready to be picked and snap peas that should be forming from their flowers shortly. Our squash were doing well until somethign came along and ate the flowers...

And a few shots of Isabel on her "new to us" (gotta love freecycle) little tykes slide/playground. It is the perfect size for her and she just loves climbing up the slide (with a spotter of course) and standing on the platform. She also enjoys going down the slide but needs some support still.

Have a great week everyone! Time for me to run and get some stuff done around the house before Isabel gets up from her nap.


Kate and Michael Craft said...

Oh what fun! :) She is so cute! LOVE the raincoat! She looks good in it!

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful in that dress!! I just love it. :)
Isabel is SOO CUTE! :P