Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just give me the WHOLE ear of corn

Tonight for dinner I did the usual take whatever we were having for dinner, cut it up into small, non-choking size pieces and place onto Isabel's tray. Let's just say that worked for a little bit. She ate her peas, her chicken sausage and bread no problem, but was not at all impressed with the small kernels of corn on her tray. I was able to distract her for a while but she kept pointing to the ear on my plate. So I figured what the heck, I'll let her try, but certainly didn't think she'd actually get any corn off of the cob. If anyone should have known the power of her sharp little chompers it should ahve been me. I'm not sure what was more fun, actually seeing her get corn off the cob, or just trying to the different methods until she found one that worked. The uncles were over for dinner as well and really had a good laugh. I think I'm onto something here though. If ever we need to keep Isabel occupied (and quiet), give her an ear of corn. Unfortunately I don't think that method will help us out in church at all...

So, before I ramble on any longer, here is Isabel and her first corn on the cob.

Going for it...

Perhaps the underhand grip would work a bit better...
(FYI, the "flat" looking portion is where I had cut some corn off for Isabel)

What, you've never seen a baby eating an ear of corn?

Perhaps Mommy was onto something and I should remove the kernels before eat them...

Nope, she was wrong. Eating it straight from the source is waaay better.

See all the progress I made! Mmm, corn.

1 comment:

Liz said...

These are just too cute!