Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Walking the Halls

I'm going to assume that Isabel was inspired by our long run this morning to do a bit of her own "training." Isabel has been walking more and more each day, but tonight she took it to a whole new level and was intent on walking from one end of the house to the other, which she did over and over and over...complete with her duck in tow.

Be sure to have the sound on, as she makes some pretty silly noises while walking...and her little feet slapping the floor are also pretty funny to listen to. You can also see that she is um very graceful..."about as graceful as a drunk elephant" as Uncle Eric would say.

Here she is leaving her bedroom heading down the hall to our bedroom...well really to the gate to hopefully catch a glimpse of her beloved pugs.

And now here she is leaving the bedroom making a beeline for the craft room. (Time to start keeping this door shut until we reorganize so that all of dad's dangerous model building stuff can be kept behind closed and locked doors.

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