I'm not sure this method of flying will prepare Isabel for a future as a pilot, but its a start. "Uncle Sam & Aunt Megan" (Isabel's Godparents), passed this airplane rocking toy onto her. She is the perfect age for it and absolutely loves it. The best part is when she spins the propeller and says "VVVVVRRRRR." (trying to imitate Dad's airplane sounds). Unfortunately she doesn't do it on command and wouldn't get off the plane on this particular day.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mommy's Little Chef
After a nice early morning run with Isabel, combined with some blackberry picking, it was time to make pancakes. Isabel was getting antsy while I paid attention to the griddle and not her, so I decided it was time she made herself useful and put her to work...well really just kept her occupied thinking she was helping. She loved stirring the remains of the liquid ingredients and was very happy until breakfast. I think we have a little chef on our hands. (and please ignore the sweaty mom in some of the pictures)
I'd also like to add that I do not make it a habit of putting bows in Isabel's hair for stroller runs and walks. She is definitely turning into a little girl, as she brought the bow to me on Saturday and pointed to her head...and repeated the same thing on Sunday.
Mom, I need a taller stool. Its hard to stir when your shoulders are below the bowl.

You know what they say, two hands are better than one.
See Mom, this is how you do it.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Cows, BBQ and Purses
I'm still working on catching up the blog from our Ohio trip, but these pictures were easy enough to upload.
This past Friday was Chick-fil-A's annual "dress like a cow day." I'm sure Isabel will give us a hard time one day, but hey, isn't it worth dressing a little silly for some free Chick-fil-a? I should have taken pictures before we left, since by the time we got home Isabel was ready for her bath and bed, but did semi-cooperate for these photos. I should have made Geoffrey put on his cow ears...but I am not that cruel :).

Here's Isabel checking out some of the beer, making sure it was safe for party consumption.
The box has the right "spring" to it when I wack it.
And it supports my weight. I think the beer passes the Isabel test.
I of course got busy once we had a lot of guests arriving, but did get this picture of Isabel watching a game of cornhole prior to dinner and the rain.
And on Sunday, while I was taking a nap, Geoffrey snapped these pictures. Seems Isabel is ready to go shopping.
Feels heavy, that is a good start.

Checking out the purse.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Another use for the baby bathtub
I realize its been a few weeks since I have blogged. We've been busy busy this summer and spend almost a week in two different Ohio locations. I'll hopefully get to processing my photos from our visit to Canton to celebrate my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary and our visit to Dayton spent with Geoffrey's grandparents.
In addition to the normal summer things I'm trying to work on better organizing our house and all the "stuff" that seems to accumulate. We are very lucky to have all the extra space we do in our house, but one of the downsides to this is that I tend to move things to unused rooms where it sits and sits, instead of making its way to the basement or its proper place. A fine example of this is Isabel's baby bathtub. We finally stopped using it a couple months ago, but instead of taking it to the basement to store with the other baby items I simply moved it to the guest room. Motivated by an overnight guest tomorrow, I decided it was time to get that room back into guest shape (my sewing stuff had also made its way in there but thats another story).
While getting the bed ready Isabel discovered the baby bathtub and squealed with delight. She immediately had to climb in...I guess she has fond memories of it. She must have sat in there for at least 15 minutes which was great since I was able to get the room back to about 95%. The only downside was when we left and shut the guest room door. Isabel was not happy, so she reached for the door knob, stretched up on her little tip toes and opened the door. I thought it was a fluke, so I shut the door again, double checking it was indeed closed. Nope, not a fluke, within 3 seconds she had it opened. Oi. We'll be heading to BRU after naptime to get some additional door knob covers.
Anyways, I brought the tub downstairs and put it into the playroom and will take it to the basement during naptime. Once again, she climbed in and I was able to snap a few photos. Enjoy.
Inspecting the scraps from a quilt I'm working on. Not sure why it is so fascinating.
Trying to put one around her neck like a scarf...just a wee bit too short.
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