Monday, July 20, 2009

Mommy's Little Chef

After a nice early morning run with Isabel, combined with some blackberry picking, it was time to make pancakes. Isabel was getting antsy while I paid attention to the griddle and not her, so I decided it was time she made herself useful and put her to work...well really just kept her occupied thinking she was helping. She loved stirring the remains of the liquid ingredients and was very happy until breakfast. I think we have a little chef on our hands. (and please ignore the sweaty mom in some of the pictures)

I'd also like to add that I do not make it a habit of putting bows in Isabel's hair for stroller runs and walks. She is definitely turning into a little girl, as she brought the bow to me on Saturday and pointed to her head...and repeated the same thing on Sunday.

Mom, I need a taller stool. Its hard to stir when your shoulders are below the bowl.

You know what they say, two hands are better than one.

I'll use this scraper to get the good stuff mom forgot.

See Mom, this is how you do it.

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