Saturday, November 28, 2009

Victoria & Chris' Wedding

On November 14th our good friends Victoria and Chris were married in a beautiful ceremony at the Carnegie Institution of Washington DC. Although not the official match maker, I was responsible for bringing Chris to Orbital. He met Victoria on his first day there (he and Victoria worked on a small 3 person team) and the rest is history. I had the honor of standing up with Chris as a member of the groom's party, a first for me. The girls (Victoria, her maid of honor Georgene, and the moms) were pampered by both a hair stylist and makeup artist as we got ready for the big day. Thank you Victoria for that special treat...especially for a 5 month old pregnant lady.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera, so until the professional pictures become available, I just have a few pictures I copied off a snapfish album, so the quality isn't great.

There were 6 bridal party members, 4 males and 2 females. Georgene and I were told to pick out a long dress we liked...what could be easier. Lucky for me, the dress I picked out 3 months earlier fit the baby bump perfectly.

The happy couple!
Their first dance was "fly me to the moon"...very appropriate for two space enthusiasts and Orbital employees.

Congratulations Chris and Victoria!

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