Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2 Girls Doing Tummy Time

Eric commented on Sunday that I hadn't updated the blog recently...so I told him I'd work on it Tuesday while our new windows (yay!) are being installed. I am amused that Eric was the blog requester, since he and Kevin see Isabel and Mia at least once a week.

A little over Mia's 2 week birthday her cord fell off and tummy time began. So far she tolerates it better than Isabel did at this stage and Isabel also enjoys partcipating. Whenever she and Mia are doing something together (tummy time, sitting with mommy etc) she refers to herself and Mia as "the two girls"...so here are the two girls doing tummy time.

Kisses from Isabel. Isabel LOVES to kiss her little sister which just melts my heart each time she does it. I know that at some point there will be some jealousy, but until then I'm going to enjoy the fact that Isabel has nothing but love for Mia.

"2 Girls!"

1 comment:

Sarah Marie said...

SO CUTE!!!! I love the "2 girls" - that is so precious!!!