Well, before I get to the pictures, a little background. A little over a month ago two middle schoolers showed up at the front door selling overpriced candy for their middle school orchestra. Normally I would say no, as that isn't a cause I'm overly concerned about. But, it was one of those days I was feeling extra nice, and they had peanut brittle, which reminded me of growing up, as my neighbor Mary would make it each Christmas. Well, it just happens that my candy got delivered today! Perfect timing, as a few pieces here and there have turned into dinner. Not sure my mom and dad would be too proud :), but I gotta get the bathroom ready before my brother arrives on Thursday! So, now that you have listened to my random story about peanut brittle, onto some pictures.
First the dogs...they really aren't liking this remodeling side of me, as I get home from work and go straight to work.
Here's Gizmo waiting at the top of the stairs...
...while General hangs out on the sofa giving me dirty looks as I made my trips up and down the stairs to dump out the dirty water in the backyard.
Grout! I didn't think I would notice such a difference, but I must say, it looks really good!
The floor still needs one final wipe down. And don't worry, that edge around the perimeter of the room and the corners of the shower will get filled with caulk. As I explained to Geoffrey earlier, the corners and edges are expansion joints. If I were to grout them as opposed to caulking, I would surely have cracked tiles in no time at all.
Well, seems there is an "Office" marathon tonight on NBC. I have just enough time to clean up the final layer of haze on the tiles, jump in the shower and then spend some quality time with Geoffrey and the pugs before heading off to bed. Stay tuned for major updates this weekend, as the vanity, toilet and baseboards get installed!