Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Part II & Ergo

Grandma B sent me a few photos that she took this weekend so I decided to make another post. One of the pictures also reminded me that I left out a very important piece of information about Isabel...she has started walking! She took her first steps 2 Fridays ago, and Geoffrey was there to witness it. It was my of my work Fridays, and although I was a little sad about missing it, I was very happy that Geoffrey got to see it. We kept it hush hush in hopes of surprising Grandma, but Isabel wasn't that intersted in showing her new skills, though did walk a few steps right after this picture was taken below, early Friday morning.

Isabel deep in thought.

Although she wouldn't walk around by herself, she sure loved walking with Dad.

And now a couple shots of my new favorite toy. If you had told me before I was pregnant that I was going to be one of "those" baby carrying woman I wouldn't have believed it. Not that I thought there was anything wrong with it, but I somehow thought those devices were for hippies. Boy was I wrong. I first used my Moby Wrap a bit, though got frustrated with it and probably didn't give it a fair shake, since Megan loves hers. Then I moved onto my beloved Maya Ring Sling (the bright green thing). The Maya is great except Isabel is getting to be a little heavy for carrying her on my hip. Enter the ERGO baby carrier. I saw Megan using this at the mall a few weeks ago while pushing her other two kids in the double stroller. Besides being ultra impressed with her ability to transport 3 kiddos, I couldn't stop thinking/dreaming about how much fun Isabel would have riding around my back. I had to have one. So I ordered myself an ERGO and it arrived while we were gone. I got to try it out tonight and my oh my, am I smitten. It is fantastic. It was easy to get her onto my back, Isabel LOVED it and I loved being able to walk around, chop up veggies for dinner and even pull something out of the oven. Once the weather turns nice it will also work well for walking the dogs. And, should there be additional kiddos in the future, the ERGO can also be used in the front and on the side, so between my 3 (well 4 if you count the Bjorn but I'm not a huge fan of it and doubt I'll ever use it again) baby carriers I should be set for life.
I "think" you can click on the picture to enlarge it. Not the greatest shot, but it was a self portrait using a mirror.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rockin' the ERGO! I agree, the first time I put Nathan in it (at around Isabel's age) I was like YES!!! I can do dinner prep without his fingers in everything. Heck, Sam and I had put the Bjorn on me backwards until I got the ERGO for dinner prep - talk about uncomfortable!!!
Congrats and enjoy! - Megan