Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ramblings from a pregnant mommy

I know, I know, no pictures. I'm hoping to get around to that this weekend, as there have been lots of fun things to be captured. In the meantime, I feel I should give a quick update on me and "the bean" as well as catch everyone up on some of Isabel's developments, something that doesn't always come across in pictures.

The bean and I are doing well, though we had a rough start to the week. As you could tell from my last post, I'd been getting sick a lot. Well, that came to a head on Monday when I was unable to keep food or drink down for the entire day and wound up in the ER for IV fluids. All is well and I'm now on some great anti-nausea medicine and it has made a HUGE difference.

Isabel continues to thrive and has picked up on the fact that this thing called a "baby" is now in the picture. Although if you ask her where the baby is, she will lift her shirt and point to her belly while saying "ba-beee." Too cute. Hopefully when my belly grows a bit more she'll get the idea that the baby is actually in Mommy's belly.

Isabel's biggest developments recently have been in the language department. Her vocabulary is now too big for me to name all her words, and it seems like each day she picks up a few more. Often times she'll simply repeat a word, or attempt to repeat more complicated words. My 2 favorite words are osprey and eagle. She is fascinated by Geoffrey's Peterson's Field Guide for Birds, and can actually identify the eagle and osprey...though it takes a couple listens to really figure out what she is saying. I think she is going to be a lover of birds like her dad. Isabel has started to put words together, saying things such as "more cheeeeeese." It is simply amazing to watch this little person take shape.

Finally, I must brag on Geoffrey a little bit, as he probably doesn't get mentioned in this blog as often as he should. In addition to being great with Isabel, and spending every other Friday at home with her while I go to work, he CLEANS ALL 3 BATHROOMS while Isabel naps on these days. Of course with me being sick, he's been pulling a lot of extra weight, taking care of dinner, giving Isabel her bath and putting her to bed all while working longer than "normal" hours. So a great big thank you to my wonderful husband and Isabel's super dad. We are very grateful for all that you do.


Kate and Michael Craft said...

Gosh! Sorry to hear about the ER visit but glad you have something to help with the nausea now. :) Give Geoff a pat on the back for being such an awesome dad and hubby! We are certainly lucky to have found such great men! :)

Victoria said...

I'm glad that the worst is behind you. Isabel is going to be so much fun throughout all of this. Wonderful hubby's are the best! Kudos to Geoffrey for taking such good care of you, Isabel, and the house - while working very hard at work as well. Love & Hugs to you all.