Saturday, February 27, 2010

Random Friday Fun

Just a few random shots from Friday. Isabel has become very interested in picking out her own clothing (I usually allow this on days we aren't going to work/school), and Friday she insisted on wearing a new dress I'd picked up for spring/summer. In addition to the pink dress, we found a NASA sticker which immediately had to go onto the dress. She loved wearing the sticker and kept pointing to it saying "a NASA sticker!" all day long.

It is no secret that Isabel loves ducks...probably stemming from her love of Emmy Duck, her special sleep friend. I picked up this halloween costume at the end of the season last year and at least once a day now she asks to wear it. Sometimes it stays on from morning until night. After finally charging both of my cameras, I remembered to snap a few duck pictures.


Kate and Michael Craft said...

Aw man those are great pictures! So silly about the NASA sticker! And the duck outfit is hilariously cute! :) Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

"NASA" is already in her vocabulary?!? I think you have a little engineer/astronaut on your hands! :)

Welcome to the Circus said...

Let loose Mom and let her dress herself EVERY day :-) Anyone who has kids will understand. I grocery shop with Buzz Lightyear and Scooby most days and I'll never forget the day Ben had on a long sleeve brown dinosaur pj top, a yellow Wall-E t-shirt over it and red windpants w/ Rain boots. Sexy. And oh yeah, it was like 70° out!