Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter Bunny!

As a child, I combined Easter Bunny and Happy Easter into one phrase, and it was used a lot this weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Schaeffer arrived on Friday to see Isabel and we had a great visit. Not only did Isabel get lots of Grandma and Grandpa time, they were a bit help with preparing meals, doing laundry, dishes and grocery shopping. Grandma also really enjoyed getting to put her newborn nursery nurse skills to good use and Isabel received many "professional burps and diaper changes."

Since Isabel was only 10 days old on Easter Sunday Mommy and Dad decided to stay home with Isabel while Grandma and Grandpa went to mass. Later on Easter Sunday they prepared a yummy Easter dinner and we still have leftovers to enjoy! After dinner we converted Isabel's cradle into an easter basket, complete with eggs and her new duck blanket that Great Aunt Monica brought her. (she also brought the adorable Easter Bunny shoes Isabel is seen wearing)

Bathtime with Mommy and Grandma. Isabel's stump fell off Monday, but we are letting it dry out a bit before giving her a real bath. For now Isabel doesn't seem to mind her sponge baths, except for the whole hair washing part.
Easter family photo. We used the timer and tripod. I am looking forward to getting some better family pictures of both sides of the family at Isabel's baptism in April.
Dad sure loves his little girl!

Isabel with her Grandpa Schaeffer...
...and Grandma Schaeffer.

And with all the talk of college costs sky rocketing in the upcoming years, Isabel has decided she better start reading the Business section to determine how to manage her 529 plan. Maybe she'll be able to teach mommy and dad a thing or two.

1 comment:

Kate and Michael Craft said...

wow, she's cute! Can't wait to meet her! Looks like I will probably be coming up sometime early May for Jill's wedding shower/party. I'll let you guys know when it's a for sure thing! lots of love! -k