Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Nursery

The nursery is just about complete. The only thing left to finish is a project Geoffrey and I have been working on for a few weeks. We built (well Geoffrey mostly built) 6 model airplanes and began painting them this weekend. Geoffrey is then going to make a mobile with them. So, if you hadn't already guessed it, the theme for Isabel's nursery is planes. It definitely is not a room you will find from the pages of Pottery Barn, but I really enjoyed trying to find a way to use airplanes, while still having the room be fun and girly. I think it worked.

This is the view from the nursery when walking into the room. No, we don't plan on putting Isabel in a real bed, but at the suggestion of my mom and a few other nursing mommies, decided to leave the bed so I would have a place to rest or nurse during the middle of the night. It also allows us to keep 2 bedrooms available for guests, since Isabel will be staying in our room for the first few months.

Above the crib hangs 5 different airplane photos, including one of the Wright Brothers' first flight. The sheep on the end of the crib is a "sleep sheep" and plays different noises that are supposed to help sooth a baby.

I painted letters spelling out ISABEL to hang above the changing table/dresser. Geoffrey suggesting hanging the letters in the "crooked" pattern, as he said the letters should be fun, since little kids are fun.

Hopefully little Isabel will like airplanes as much as her dad. But if not, the pictures can easily be replaced with whatever hobbies she takes interest in.


Victoria said...

The nursery looks wonderful! Great job you two. Good luck in the coming days. You'll do great. Can't wait to see pictures of Isabel on the blog. Love to you both. Happy Birthing!

Kate and Michael Craft said...

cooool planes. :) I'm sure Isabel is gonna love her new digs! Can't get much cooler than planes, though a shuttle would be sweet too. ;) Good luck with everything! HUGS!