Monday, March 10, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect, Right?

Seems I've been having A LOT of practice contractions (also known as Braxton Hicks). So much in fact that early Sunday morning Geoffrey and I thought it was the real deal. Early Saturday afternoon I was having contractions, but they were short and spaced far apart, no biggie. So we went to a party that evening and had a great time. During the party I started noticing more contractions until a point where I told Geoffrey we should go. On the car ride home they got stronger and were 45 seconds long, 3 minutes apart and very regular. So we got home, called the doctor and doula, gathered the bags etc and headed to the hospital. I got checked at the hospital and no dilation = no labor and was sent home. The contractions continued at home with greater intensity and length (I would also call these pain) until 8 am the next morning when they went away and I could get some sleep. So hopefully this is my body's way of getting ready for labor, or else Isabel is just playing games with me. Now I seem to be getting contractions pretty frequently, but until I'm in major pain or they are super long, I'm not even going to bother timing.

Instead, I'm focusing on little things around the house. I've been working on the baby book some and hope to get all the "pre-baby" sections filled out today. I'd attempt to "nest" something, but the house is actually very clean and organized at the moment, thanks to some work I did on Saturday, so from here on out all we can really do is wait.

1 comment:

Kate and Michael Craft said...

Hope she comes soon so you don't have to suffer long! :) Good luck with everything! You're in our thoughts.
