Friday, September 25, 2009

Monkey Monkey Monkey

This post is for my cousin Rita (well really my dad's cousin, who is more like his sister and more like my aunt) who sent Isabel such a sweet surprise that arrived yesterday.

Isabel and I got home from school/work around 5pm and arrived to a package on the front step. Packages are always exciting, but extra special when there is something homemade inside. Rita wrote in her note that she originally made this blanket for the new baby, but when she heard Isabel was in the "monkey" class at school this year, knew it should be hers. And wow, did she hit the mark. Isabel LOVES this blanket. After I helped her get it out of the box (it has a good bit of weight to it, with 2 thick fleece layers), I grabbed my camera and captured the following. Unfortunately no video, as the first thing she did was make monkey noises upon seeing the monkeys on the blanket.

Isabel being silly with her new blanket.

Checking out the extra soft fringe.

Giving the blanket a hug.

This blanket feels good on my belly Mommy.

It is also really good for practicing my yoga!

Hmm, its been a long day. Yup, it passes the "good to nap on test."

She wouldn't let go of the blanket and carried it around with her for the next 15 minutes. Which meant mommy was at the other end of the blanket (so it wouldn't pick up dog hair from the floor) carrying it around like the train of a dress. It joined us for a diaper change (draped over the side) and I finally convinced her to leave it on her rocking chair so we could take the dogs outside.

This morning she immediately went for the blanket, climbed onto it and the rocking chair and just rocked back and forth. She then grabbed it and I carried her and the blanket downstairs into the playroom. I'm guessing this blanket is going to hold a very special place in Isabel's life for quite a few years to come.

Have a great weekend everyone. Go HOKIES!


Kate and Michael Craft said...

yeah for monkeys and homemade gifts! :) So sweet!

coelle said...

Who WOULDN"T love a monkey blanket! i want one!! :) VERY cute..