Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just a little update...

...though not an overly exciting one. I can't remember if I've taken any pictures this week (bad mommy), but anyways, they are on the camera, which is downstairs, and it is currently 2:45 in the morning, I'm not tired, but don't really feel like moving from the office :).

Anyways, last week was just another normal week, with the addition of 2 doctors appointments. Isabel had her 18 month check-up and passed with flying colors. She continues to grow following the 90-95th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight. She only screamed for about 5 seconds following her shots and gave the nurse a very nice, though tear filled "bye" as the nurse left the room with the empty syringes. Our pediatrician noted all of Isabel's words and made me promise that I wouldn't get all worried if this next child doesn't talk as early or often as miss Isabel. Provided we have another illness free winter (could we be so lucky as to have 2), we won't head back to the pediatrician's office until baby bean's 2 week check-up. Eeek!

I also had an appt last week and all is well with baby bean. Though really all they do at this stage is check the heart beat, but its always such a wonderful sound to hear. I received orders for my 20 week sonogram, which will be October 28th. Hopefully this baby will cooperate and in addition to counting fingers, toes, measuring bones and looking at organs we should also be able to find out the sex of this little one. Geoffrey played a cruel joke on me a few months ago saying "I think this one should be a surprise" (not that there is anything wrong with surprises), and I told him "you can have a surprise and I'll find out myself!" We haven't done too much in the way of discussing names, but I'm guessing that is also a trait of a non-first born, since free time isn't quite the same with a toddler running around. I'm also finally off of my anti-nausea meds, and keeping food down, which makes me happy to know by body can function on its own. The meds were a life-saver though for the 2 months I was on them.

Stay tuned for some good airplane pictures! Geoffrey has been working like a mad man after Isabel and I have been going to sleep on a model for Isabel. She is constantly wanting to play with her paper models, but we want to keep them intact, and at 19 months (today!), she doesn't quite grasp the term "gentle", though she will repeat it and nod as though she understands it perfectly. It will be a simple model, reinforced internally to hopefully prevent breakage, and won't have any external landing gear, antenna etc. The color scheme will be maroon, orange and white with a few special VT additions. I'm sure Isabel is just going to love it.

Alrighty, I'm going to head back to bed and hope to catch a few more ZZzzs before heading into work.

1 comment:

Kate and Michael Craft said...

Glad your doing well! Hugs! :)