Friday, October 26, 2007

Baby Isabel

By now most of you have probably heard the good news, that we have a healthy and active little baby. And an added bonus of our sonogram was getting to find out that we'll be having a girl, a daughter. I've been grinning from ear to ear all day. Its just all so amazing and almost hard to take in all at once. All day I've been thinking "I wonder if she'll enjoy this, or what she'll be like." And the great thing is, we have all the time in the world to find out.

So for now, I hope you all enjoy the first pictures of Isabelle (no middle name yet), as it will be another 20 weeks or so before we get the opportunity to photograph her in person.

***Please note...Although Geoffrey and I had decided on the girl name "Isabel" a while ago, we never actually discussed the spelling. So tonight we figured out the spelling...after my initial blog posting where I spelled it "Isabelle."***


Anonymous said...

That is so amazing and I am sooo happy for you two!! Yeah for a healthy baby girl! This is such an exciting time in both of your lives. :) Enjoy every second.

Kate and Michael Craft said...

And the pink has begun!! :) Have to admit I can't tail heads nor bottoms of the sonogram. Any change of pointing things out? C'mon I know you're a pro at power point. ;)

Congrats! Can't wait to meet her!